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Webdevelopment / Webdesign


Can I Use?
CSS - Builder
CSS - Even/oneven
CSS - Slechte effecten
CSS - Templates
CSS 3 - Animations
CSS 3 - Polaroid imagestyle
CSS 3 - Selectors
Full width background outside container


Structure projects
Compass reference
Guidelines 2
Retina sprites for Compass
SASS and Compass
SASS in Drupal
Spriting with Compass


Animated tabs
Fullscreen background
Garage effect
How To (Gaya Design)
Jquery cheat sheet
Jquery effecten
Menu idee
Modernizr (classes voor niet ondersteunen jquery)
Parallax scrollen
Scroll effecten
Scroll horizontaal
Text animations 1
Text animations 2
Voorbeeld - Scrollen 1
Voorbeeld - Scrollen 2


Haml - Nieuwe HTML markup
HTML - Entities converter
HTML - Entity lookup
HTML - Icons
HTML - Reference
HTML - Validator
HTML 5 - About
HTML 5 - Reference
HTML 5 / CSS 3 crossbrowser (Modernizr)

Lekker winkelen zonder zorgen - Gratis verzending en retour


Fonts - 100 free fonts
Fonts - Fontdeck
Fonts - Fontpalace
Fonts - Fontsquirrel
Fonts - Typekit
Foto's - Filter
Foto's - Filter 2
Foto's - Filter tutorial Gloomy
Foto's - Filter tutorial Movie
Foto's - Filter tutorial Polaroid
Foto's - Filter tutorial Retro
Foto's - Filter tutorial Retro 2
Foto's - Filter tutorial Vintage
Foto's - Free
Foto's - tutorial Lomo
Icons - Flaticon (vector)
Icons - Fontello
Icons - Iconarchive
Icons - Social media flat design
Inspiratie - Dribbble
Inspiratie - Underconsideration (logo's)
Inspiratie - Webdesignledger
Inspiratie - Wix
Kleuren - Blenden
Kleuren - Palets en Gradients
Kleuren - Testen met tekstkleur
Kleuren - Tinten lichter en donkerder
Lorempixel - Placekitten
Photoshop - Animations
Photoshop - Brushes
Photoshop - Buttons
Photoshop - Design mockups
Photoshop - Engels > Nederlands
Photoshop - Patterns
Placeit - Website in device afbeelding
Repeating background - Patterns
Repeating background - Photoshop tutorial
Repeating background - Strepen bg maker
Tool - Maak logo's / symbolen
Tutorial: Stempel (Illustrator)
Tutorials: Photoshop
Tutorials: Photoshop 2


All - Design for Front-end
All - Gaya Design
All - Smashingmagazine
CSS - CSS-Tricks
CSS - Spellen met alleen CSS
Design - Creativebloq
Design - Spoongraphics
Design - Webdesignledger
Techniek - Tomayko


Webtaker - Zoekt lelijke URL's


Adobe device inspector




Apps - How to Android apps
Build Your Own Weather App
Content wizard
Database password cracker
Design games
Drupal - Installation guide
Drupal - Omega 3 subtheme
Drush commands
Feka - Tools
Git - Guide
Git - Reference
Google Domains
If This Then That
Loader afbeelding GIF genereren
PHP references
Tutorials: Alles (Biorust)
Tutorials: Alles (Lynda)
Tutorials: Alles (Tizag)
Tutorials: Flash
Webdevelopment Apps op Android

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